PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (N = 22) (*denotes mentee coauthor)
Atkinson, E. A., Peterson, S. J., Riley, E. N., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (in press). How people experience and respond to their distress predicts problem drinking more than does the amount of distress. Addictive Behaviors.
Peterson, S. J., Atkinson, E. A., Riley, E. N., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (in press). Affect-based problem drinking risk: The reciprocal relationship between affective lability and problem drinking. Alcohol & Alchoholism.
*Ortiz, A. M. L., Davis, H. A., Riley, E. N., & Smith, G. T. (in press). Transactions between affective lability and eating expectancies predicting binge eating. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention
Davis, H. A., Graham, A. K., & Wildes, J. E. (2020). Overview of binge eating disorder. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports , 14(12), 1-10.
Davis, H. A., Smith, G. T., & Keel, P. K. (2020). An examination of negative urgency and other
impulsigenic traits in purging disorder. Eating Behaviors. 36, 101365.
Smith, G. T., Atkinson, E. A., Davis, H. A., Riley, E. N., & Oltmanns, J. R. (2020). The general
factor of psychopathology. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 16 (1), 75-98.
Davis, H. A., *Ortiz, A. M. L, & Smith, G. T. (2019). Transactions between early binge eating and personality predict transdiagnostic risk. European Eating Disorders Review, 27(6), 614-627.
*Ortiz, A. M. L., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (2019). Transactions between thinness expectancies and depression in the prediction of adolescent weight control behaviors. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 52(2), 142-152.
Riley, E. N., Davis, H. A., Milich, R., & Smith, G. T. (2018). Heavy, problematic college drinking predicts increases in impulsivity. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79(5), 790-798.
Kaiser, A. J., Davis, H. A., Milich, R., Smith, G. T., & Charnigo, R. (2018). Bidirectional relations of impulsive personality and alcohol use over two years. Substance Use & Misuse, 53(14), 2386-2393.
Davis, H. A. & Smith, G. T. (2018). An integrative model of risk for high school disordered eating. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(6), 559-570.
*Peterson, S. J., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (2018). Personality and learning predictors of adolescent alcohol consumption trajectories. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(5), 482-495.
Davis, H. A., *Ortiz, A. M. L. & Smith G. T. (2018). The occurrence and covariation of binge eating and compensatory behaviors across early to mid-adolescence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 43(1), 402-412.
Lee, C. L., Derefinko, K. J., Davis, H. A., Milich, R. & Lynam, D. R. (2017). Cross-lagged relations between motives and substance use: Can use strengthen your motivation over time? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 178, 544-550
Davis, H. A., Riley, E. N., Smith, G. T., Milich, R. & Burris, J. (2017). Alcohol use and strenuous physical activity in college students: A longitudinal test of two explanatory models of health behavior. Journal of American College Health, 65(2), 112-121.
Davis, H. A., Guller, L., & Smith, G. T. (2016). Developmental trajectories of compensatory exercise and fasting behavior across the middle school years. Appetite, 107, 330-338.
Davis, H. A., Guller, L., & Smith, G. T. (2016). Developmental trajectories of boys’ driven exercise and fasting during the middle school years. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 44(7), 1309-1319.
Riley, E. N., Davis, H. A., Combs, J. L., Jordan, C. E., & Smith, G. T. (2015). Nonsuicidal self-injury as a risk factor for purging onset: Negatively reinforced behaviours that reduce emotional distress. European Eating Disorders Review, 24(1), 78-82.
Smith, G. T., & Davis, H. A. (2015). An exemplar of progress on understanding complex disorders: Commentary on what we have learned about eating disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(11), 1165-1167.
Pearson, C. M., Riley, E. N., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (2014). Research review: Two pathways toward impulsive action: an integrative risk model for bulimic behavior in youth. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,55(8), 852-864.
Davis, H. A., Holland, L.A., & Keel, P.K. (2014). A preliminary examination of a nonpurging compensatory eating disorder. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(3), 239-243
Smith, A.R., Fink, E. L., Anestis, M. D., Ribeiro, J., Gordon, K. H., Davis, H. A., Keel, P. K., Bardone-Cone, A. M., Peterson, C. M., Klein, M. H., Crow, S., Mitchell, J. E., Crosby, R. D., Wonderlich, S. A., le Grange, D., & Joiner, T. E. (2013). Exercise caution: Over-exercise is associated with suicidality in bulimia nervosa. Psychiatry Research, 26, 246-255
PUBLISHED BOOK CHAPTERS (N = 7) (*denotes mentee coauthor)
Davis, H. A., Riley, E. N., & Smith, G. T. (2018). Transactions between personality and psychosocial learning: Advances in the acquired preparedness model of risk. In P. M. Monti, Suzanne M. Colby, and T. A. O’Leary (Eds.), Adolescents, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse: Reaching Teens through Brief Interventions (2nd Edition), pp. 108-130. New York: Guilford Press.
Davis, H. A., *Peterson, S. J., & Smith, G. T. (2017). Assessment. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Abnormal and Clinical Psychology, NY: Sage Publications.
Riley, E. N., Combs, H., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (2017). Theory as evidence: Criterion validity in
neuropsychological testing. In Bowden, S. C. (Ed.), Evidence-Based Neuropsychological Practice: National Academy of Neuropsychology, pp. 15-32. NY: Oxford University press.
Davis, H. A., *Ortiz, A. M. L., D’Agostino, A. R., & Smith, G. T. (2016). A two-stage risk model for bulimic behavior. In Nina Morton (Ed.), Eating Disorders: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment Options. pp. 97-120. Nova Science Publishers.
Davis, H. A., Guller, L., Riley, E.N., & Smith, G.T. (2015). A positive feedback loop of smoking risk. In C. L. Owens (Ed.) Nicotine Dependence, Smoking Cessation and Secondhand Smoke: Exposure, Chemical Components and Health Consequences. pp. 17-32. Nova Science Publishers.
Riley, E. N., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (2015). Personality change and problem behavior: A positive feedback loop of increasing risk in early adolescence. In N. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 105, pp. 71-82. Nova Science Publishers.
Riley, E. N., Combs, J. L., Davis, H. A., & Smith, G. T. (2014) Impulsive behaviors that distract from distress: Non-suicidal self-injury. In M. Olmstead (Ed.), Psychology of Impulsivity: New Research, pp. 74-86. Nova Science Publishers.